
Tutorial B3-2 Timing Analysis with Power for Attacking TSB

1,739 bytes removed, 03:44, 29 June 2016
Running External Tools
<p>The <code>q</code> command causes the bootloader to quit &amp; jump to the application. Since there is no application it re-enters the bootloader. The <code>@@@</code> is our standard sign-on sequence. However the bootloader waits for the secret password before transmitting the sign-on sequence. Note how it's only after sending <code>ce</code> that the bootloader works.</p></li></ol>
== Running External Tools Enabling the Reset ==
The next step of this tutorial runs external tools. In particular Finally, we want to use 'll reuse the built-in AVR programmer to pin GPIO3 as a reset the AVR device, since we have no other method of asserting reset on the targetpin.To perform this:
This assumes you have <code>AVR Studio 4</code> installed. If you are using another plaform you can simply modify these instructions #Connect a jumper between pin 6 to use the command-line tool 7 of your choice, such JP8:#:#Set the GPIO3 as <code>avrdude</code>an GPIO, and set it to "High" for now. This is done on the ''Scope Settings'' tab:#:[[File:gpio3.png]]
<ol style="list-style-type: decimal;">
<li>First, ensure the USB-A cable is plugged into the rear of the ChipWhisperer. You will have both the USB-A and USB-Mini connections on the ChipWhisperer connected to your computer.</li>
<li><p>Open a terminal, and attempt to run the command-line AVR tools. You may have to adjust the path for your specific machine binary location:</p>
<pre>cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Atmel\AVR Tools\STK500"
Stk500.exe -dATMega328p -s -cUSB
STK500 command line programmer, v 2.4 Atmel Corp (C) 2004-2011.
Connected to AVRISP mkII on port USB:000200212345
Device parameters loaded
Programming mode entered
Signature is 0x1E 0x95 0x0F
Programming mode left
Connection to AVRISP mkII closed</pre>
<p>Note the signature was correctly read. As part of reading the signature the AVR device will be reset.</p></li>
<li>Next, we will run the programmer from a Python program. This will provide us with a method of resetting the AVR progmatically.</li>
<li><p>Create a new file named something like <code></code> with the following contents. Again adjust path as required to point to your AVRStudio installation. Note on Windows the double-slash is due to the requirement of escaping the backslash inside the string:</p>
<pre>from subprocess import call
def resetAVR():
call(["C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Atmel\\AVR Tools\\STK500\\Stk500.exe",
"-dATMega328p", "-s", "-cUSB"])
blockquote>Attempt to run this file &amp; confirm it works as expected.
== Scripting the Setup ==
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