
Tutorial B7 Profiling Attacks (with HW Assumption)

66 bytes removed, 17:22, 9 June 2016
Applying the Template
<ol style="list-style-type: decimal;">
<li>Open the Analyzer software (NB: be sure to open a new window, do not re-use a previous instance)</li>
<li>From the ''File --&gt; Open Project'' option, navigate to the <code>tut_fixedkey_randplain.cwp</code> file you save previously. Open this file, ensure it is the file corresponding with the '''fixed encryption key'''!</li>
<li>Open the project text editor if not already open.</li>
<li><p>Append the ''Template Data'' section you copied from the previous project to your project file:</p>
<li>Use the ''Save Editor to Disk'' button to write these changes(and '''not the Save Project button'''). Note this assumes that both the <code>tut_fixedkey_randplain.cwp</code> and <code>tut_randkey_randplain.cwp</code> were saved in the same directory, as otherwise the reference to the template file will break!</li>
<li>Close the Analyzer software. Re-open the software and reload the same project file (e.g. <code>tut_fixedkey_randplain.cwp</code>), this step is needed to ensure the changes you added in are loaded into memory.</li>
<li><p>Change the attack module to ''Profiling'':</p>