Revision as of 11:20, 29 March 2016 by Coflynn (Talk | contribs) (Fix typo)

Revision as of 11:20, 29 March 2016 by Coflynn (Talk | contribs) (Fix typo)

ChipWhisperer® by NewAE Technology Inc.

Welcome to ChipWhisperer - the world's first (and so far only) complete open-source toolchain for side-channel power analysis and glitching attacks. This is the main landing page for ChipWhisperer as of April 2016, with the objective of transitioning most community material into this format. ChipWhisperer has been presented at conferences such as DEFCON and Blackhat, had a successful Kickstarter (that delivered ahead of schedule), and placed 2nd place in the first annual Hackaday Prize. ChipWhisperer has been used in a number of academic articles, and is featured in the Car Hacking Handbook. Portions of the design have even been used by Los Alamos Labs for an electron accelerator. You can see a full list of references on the Press page.

ChipWhisperer is maintained by NewAE Technology Inc., which sells a combination of open-source hardware, supporting tools, training, and consulting services. ChipWhisperer is trademark of NewAE Technology Inc., registered in the US and Europe. This means only NewAE can sell official products under the ChipWhisperer name, and was done to ensure products meet Quality Control Guidelines, as these fairly complex products require good testing to ensure you don't have a frustrating experience.

Recent/Upcoming Events

The following events will be either be attended by someone from NewAE, or have a presentation using the ChipWhisperer.

  • AtlSecCon 2016 (Presentation + attendee)
  • COSADE 2016 (Paper Presentation + Exhibitor)
  • Blackhat USA 2016 (Training based on ChipWhisperer)

Getting Started

Where to begin? If you're new to this area, see the Getting Started page, which details how you can get involved in side-channel power analysis. From there you can see the hardware documentation (linked below), or take one of the Training Courses.

Source code is held in the Git Repository.

ChipWhisperer Documentation

Software Instructions

Installing ChipWhisperer

ChipWhisperer Training Material

Example Attacks / Other

Source Code and Releases