Revision as of 05:10, 24 September 2016 by Coflynn (Talk | contribs)

Revision as of 05:10, 24 September 2016 by Coflynn (Talk | contribs)


I/O Connections

The pinout of this module matches the "NOTDuino" kit along with the "CW301 Multi-Target Board" routing. The following is the connection between GPIO1-4 and the I/O lines on the AVR:

CW308 Pin ATMega328P Pin Notes
GPIO1 PD0 (RXD) Serial INPUT to AVR.
GPIO2 PD1 (TXD) Serial OUTPUT from AVR.
GPIO4 PC0 Trigger pin (mapped to ADC-port such that I/O driver power comes from AVCC).
CLKFB PB0 Can set this pin as CLKO with fuse. Useful for synchronizing to internal RC oscillator.
nRST nRST (PC6) Used by in-system-programming (ISP) interface.
MOSI PB3 (MOSI) Used by in-system-programming (ISP) interface.
MISO PB4 (MISO) Used by in-system-programming (ISP) interface.
SCK PB5 (SCK) Used by in-system-programming (ISP) interface.

Programming Header

The 6-pin programming heading can be used with the Atmel ISP interface. The pinout of the 6-pin programming header on the main-board allows it to work with standard Atmel ISP tools:

Avr isp.jpg


CW308T AVR Schematic Page 1.png

CW308T AVR Schematic Page 2.png