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<strong> ChipWhisperer® by NewAE Technology Inc. </strong>
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Welcome to ChipWhisperer - the world's first (and so far only) complete open-source toolchain for side-channel power analysis and glitching attacks. This is the main landing page for ChipWhisperer as of April 2016, with the objective of transitioning most community material into this format. ChipWhisperer has been presented at conferences such as DEFCON and Blackhat, had a [ successful Kickstarter (that delivered ahead of schedule)], and placed 2nd place in the first annual Hackaday Prize. ChipWhisperer has been used in a number of academic articles, and is featured in the Car Hacking Handbook. Portions of the design have even been used by [ Los Alamos Labs for an electron accelerator]. You can see a full list of references on the [[Press]] page.
ChipWhisperer == WARNING: This wiki is maintained by [now deprecated, as of August 2020. Product documentation is moved to NewAE Technology Inc.], which sells a combination of open-source hardware, supporting tools, training, and consulting services. ChipWhisperer is trademark of NewAE Technology Inc., registered in the US and Europe. This means only NewAE can sell official products under the ChipWhisperer name, and was done to ensure products meet [[Quality Control Guidelines]], as these fairly complex products require good testing to ensure you don't have a frustrating experience.==
= RecentWelcome to ChipWhisperer - the complete open-source toolchain for side-channel power analysis and glitching attacks. This is the main landing page for ChipWhisperer. ChipWhisperer has been presented at conferences such as DEFCON and Blackhat, had a [https:/Upcoming Events / successful Kickstarter (that delivered ahead of schedule)], and placed 2nd place in the first annual Hackaday Prize. ChipWhisperer has been used in a number of academic articles, and is featured in the Car Hacking Handbook. Portions of the design have even been used by [ Los Alamos Labs for an electron accelerator]. You can see a full list of references on the [[Press]] page.
The following events will be either be attended ChipWhisperer is maintained by someone from [ NewAETechnology Inc.], or have which sells a presentation using combination of open-source hardware, supporting tools, training, and consulting services. ChipWhisperer is trademark of NewAE Technology Inc., registered in the US, Europe, and China. This means only NewAE can sell official products under the ChipWhisperername, and was done to ensure products meet [[Quality Control Guidelines]], as these fairly complex products require good testing to ensure you don't have a frustrating experience.
* AtlSecCon 2016 (Presentation + attendee)* COSADE 2016 (Paper Presentation + Exhibitor)* Blackhat USA 2016 (Training based on Beyond supporting just the ChipWhisperer)project, this wiki is now growing towards the objective of offering a complete reference on embedded security.
= Getting Started ='''NOTE1: ChipWhisperer V5 is here! CW4 tutorials are available via links on the wiki tutorial pages. CW4 info is available at [[CW4]]'''
Where to begin? If you're new to this area, see the [[Getting Started]] page, which details how you can get involved in side-channel power analysis. From there you can see the hardware documentation (linked below), or take one of the [[Training Courses]].
Source code is held in the [ Git Repository].
= ChipWhisperer Documentation =
== Software Instructions ==
[[ Installing ChipWhisperer ]]== Getting Started ==
== Hardware Instructions ==Confused on where to begin? If you're new to this area, see the [[V5:Getting Started]] page, which details how you can get involved in side-channel power analysis. From there you can see the hardware documentation (linked below), or take one of the [ Training Courses].
=== Capture Hardware ===If you're stuck, you can also get help on the [ Discussion Forum].
ChipWhisperer-== Hardware:Documentation ==
* [[CW1173 ChipWhisperer-Lite]]* [[CW1200 ChipWhisperer-Pro]]{{Template:Hardware}}
Old Hardware (not longer available)== Software Documentation ==
* [[CW1002 ChipWhisperer Capture Rev2is an open-source project. All of the source code is available from the [ Git Repository]. Documentation is available on our [ Read the Docs page].
Generic test equipmentFor more information about the software releases, see [ Releases] or the [ installation instructions].
* [[PicoScope (USB Scope) ]]* [[VISA Connected Oscilloscope]]== Sample Projects and Tutorials ==
=== Target Boards ===Tutorials are implemented using Jupyter Notebooks, available in our [ chipwhisperer-jupyter submodule]. You can also find completed versions of the tutorials on [ Read the Docs].
ChipWhisperer Target boards{{Template:Tutorials}}
* [[CW301 Multi-Target]]* [[CW303 XMEGA Target]]* [[CW304 Notduino Target]]* [[CW305 Artix FPGA Target]]=== Example Attacks / Other ===
3rdWhile ChipWhisperer started as a side-Party Target Boards:channel power analysis platform, it has grown to be useful in other attack types. This section is designed to show you a wide variety of attacks on embedded systems, to give you an idea of what is required for building secure embedded systems. These are held on the page [[Embedded Attacks]].
* In 2016, ChipWhisperer was used as part of the CHES2016 CTF challenge. See details of the event on the [[SAKURA-G Target]]* [[SASEBO-GII Target]]* [[SASEBO-W TargetCHES2016 CTF]]page.
* See what ChipWhisperer has been used for in the "real world" by reading some [[Breadboard Arduino TargetAcademic Papers]]about research using ChipWhisperer.
=== Tools =Recent/Upcoming Events ==
* [[CW501 Differential Probe]]Upcomming Events:* NewAE is not physically attending any events in 2020. As of August 2020 this wiki is deprecated, future announcements will be on [[CW502 Low Noise Amplifier]]* [[CW503 Probe Power Supply]]
These are some past events that were attended by someone from NewAE:* Embedded World 2020: Exhibit Booth (we were there as a hold-out even with cancellations!)* Arm TechCon 2019: Exhibit booth!* [] event in November - California 4-day training.* Embedded World 2019: Exhibit Booth* Black Hat USA 2018: Training, Arsenal Demo* [ CHES 2018]: Sponsor with exhibit booth* [] event in April - Maryland 4-day training.* Embedded World 2018: Exhibit Booth* [] event on November 6-9th in San Francisco, running security training* [ CHES 2017]: Gold sponsor with exhibit booth* Blackhat USA 2017 ([ Hands-on Power Analysis & Glitching with the ChipWhisperer])* COSADE 2017: Gold sponsor* Blackhat USA 2016: Training based on ChipWhisperer, 2x talks by Colin, Arsenal* CHES 2016: Sponsor with exhibit booth* Blackhat USA 2014: Training class* RECON 2014: [ Video] and [ Slides]* [ O'Reilly Solid 2014]: [ Demo]* [ COSADE] 2014: [ Paper]* CHES 2013: [ Slides] and [ Theory ==1 Video]* Blackhat USA 2013 * iSEC Open Security Forum (April 2013) * Design West 2013* Blackhat EU 2013* AtlSecCon 2013* Blackhat Abu Dhabi 2012
* [[Correlation Power Analysis]]== Extra Notes ==
== ChipWhisperer Tutorials ==See the page [[Thanks]] for a note about the people who made this project possible.
===Basic Tutorials===
* [[Tutorial B1 Building a SimpleSerial Project]]
* [[Tutorial B2 Viewing Instruction Power Differences]]
* [[Tutorial B3-1 Timing Analysis with Power for Password Bypass]]
* [[Tutorial B3-2 Timing Analysis with Power for Attacking TSB]]
* [[Tutorial B4 Testing Two Partitions of Traces]]
* [[Tutorial B5 Breaking AES (Straightforward)]]
* [[Tutorial B6 Breaking AES (Manual CPA Attack)]]
* [[Tutorial B7 Profiling Attacks (with HW Assumption)]]
* [[Tutorial B10 Using with SASEBO-W CardOS or DPA Contest v4.2]]
===Advanced Tutorials===
* [[Tutorial A1 Synchronization to Communication Lines]]
* [[Tutorial A2 Introduction to Glitch Attacks (including Glitch Explorer)]]
* [[Tutorial A3 VCC Glitch Attacks]]
* [[Tutorial A4 SAD Trigger for SCA and Glitch]]
* [[Tutorial A5 Breaking AES-256 Bootloader]]
* [[Tutorial A6 Replication of Ilya Kizhvatov's XMEGA® Attack]]
= ChipWhisperer Training Material =
= Example Attacks / Other =ChipWhisperer is a Trademark of NewAE Technology Inc., registered in the U.S, the European Union, and China.
[[Embedded Attacks]]ChipSHOUTER is a Trademark of NewAE Technology Inc., registered in the European Union.
= Source Code and Releases = * Source code is held in the [ Git Repository].* See [[Releases]] for details of software releasesTrademarks used with permission.
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