Assuming this setup is complete, you can confirm you are able to communicate with the hardware by running the example capture of traces given in the [[CW1173_ChipWhisperer-Lite]] quick-start.
== <h4> Programming the Example ==</h4>
Note with the CW1173 you need to configure a clock before programming of the device will succeed. Programming of the target device will be done as part of the CW-Capture software setup, discussed next.
== <h4> Communicating from CW-Capture Software ==</h4>
Next, open the CW-Capture software. Then perform the following steps:
# Switch to the ''General SettingsPython Console'' tab.# As the ''Scope Module'', select the ''ChipWhisperer/OpenADC'' optionThe script selection window (2) lists available example scripts. Scroll down to "" and click on it.# As You will see the ''Target Module'', select script contents appear in the ''Simple Serial'' option"Script Preview" window (3). You can either hit the "Run" button or double-click the filename of the script to execute it. Do either of those now.
Next, you'll have The window should change to configure indicate the scope device in use.connect succeeded:
<ol start="4" style="list-style-type: decimal;">
<li>Switch to The console lists the ''exact script that is executed. Note you could have manually executed the script commands line-by-line in this console.</li><li>The "Scope Settings'' tab" and "Target" buttons will show as connected.</li><li>As the ''The Status Bar will show a connection'', select the ''ChipWhisperer Lite'' protocol.</li></ol>
NextNote in previous software versions, this tutorial took you'll have to configure through manual setup. This can still be done (using the target module:GUI), but instead now the API has been made more powerful, so the example configuration script will be used instead.
[[File:03_cw1173_targetsetupTo do so, simply scroll down and select the "setup_cwlite_xmega_aes.png|image]]py" file:
<ol start="6" style="list-style-type[[File: decimal;"><li>Switch to the ''Target Settings'' tab</li><li>As the ''connection'', select the ''NewAE USB (CWLite/CW1200)'' option</li></ol>cwsetup_scriptselection_xmegaconfig_cwliterun.png]]
[[FileYou'll notice the contents of the script contain the following setup:04_connect<syntaxhighlight lang="python" line="1">scope.png|image]]gain.gain = 45scope.adc.samples = 3000scope.adc.offset = 1250scope.adc.basic_mode = "rising_edge"scope.clock.clkgen_freq = 7370000scope.clock.adc_src = "clkgen_x4"scope.trigger.triggers = "tio4" = "serial_rx" = "serial_tx" = "clkgen"</syntaxhighlight>This configuration block does the following (for lines 1 through 10):
<ol start="8" style="list-style-typeLine 1: decimal;"><li>Press Sets the button labeled ''Master: DIS'', where DIS has a circle around it. If it works, it will switch to green and say ''CON''.</li></ol>input ADC gain
[[FileLine 2:05_connection buttonsSets the number of samples to record as 3000 samples long (this is normally used for the AES algorithm).png|image]]
We will now need to configure Line 3: Sets an offset of 1250 samples from the clock trigger to the XMEGA target devicewhen we start recording samples.
[[FileLine 4:06_cw1173_freqoutput1Sets the trigger as being a "rising edge" trigger.png|image]]
<ol start="9" style="list-style-typeLine 5: decimal;"><li>Switch to Sets the ''Scope Settings'' tab.</li><li><p>Scroll down internal clock generator to the CLKGEN section, and enter the ''Desired Frequency'' as ''7.37 MHz''. Hit <code><enter></code> and you should see the multiply and divide settings change. Be careful of the units - you may need to click just on the numbers and enter that. You can also check the frequency settings using the ''Frequency Counter'' - to use this switch the ''Freq Counter Src'' to be ''CLKGEN''. It should read 7.37 MHz. <b><sup>*</sup>If the red ADC Lock Failed LED light is on you may need to click ''Reset ADC DCM''.</b></p><p>We now need to feed this generated clock to an output pin.</p></li></ol>37MHz
[[FileLine 6:07_cw1173_freqoutput2Sets the ADC as running at 4x that clock (so 29.png|image]]48MHz)
<ol start="11" style="list-style-typeLine 7: decimal;"><li><p>Scroll further down until you find Sets the ''Target HS IO-Out'' function, set this to ''CLKGEN''. The clock is now being sent on the ''Target-IO HS2'' trigger pin, which is used by the XMEGA as the input clock.</p><p>For dumb historical reasons the XMEGA and AVR have opposite TX/RX pinouts GPIO4 (on we previously set the original multi-target boardtrigger condition as rising edge, so this pin will be the AVR and XMEGA are designed such they can communicate, which required opposite TX/RX connectionsone a rising edge is expected on). Anyway you now need to switch the IO1 and IO2 functions from default:</p></li></ol>
[[FileLine 8:08_cw1173_txrxConfigures GPIO1 as the RX (Input). This is what the XMEGA target expects.png|image]]
Line 9: Configures GPIO2 as the TX (Output). This is what the XMEGA target expects. Line 10: Sets the "High-Speed 2" (HS2) pin as having the 7.37MHz clock output. <ol start="1214" style="list-style-type: decimal;"><li>Change the ''Target IO1'' function to be ''RXD''.</li><li>Change the ''Target IO2'' function to be ''TXD''.</li>
<li><p>You can now program the XMEGA device! To do so, open the XMEGA Programmer from the ''Tools'' menu:</p>
<li><p>Hit the ''Check Signature'' button and confirm the device is detected. If not you may have issues with the clock setup.</p>
<li><p>Using the ''Find'' button, navigate to the <code>simpleserial-base-cw303.hex</code> which you built earlier with the <code>make</code> command. You can then press the ''Erase/Program/Verify'' button, and confirm the file is programmed into the XMEGA device:</p>
<p>Note the programmer dialog not only shows the successful programming status, but also shows when the <code>.hex</code> file was last modified. Always confirm this matches with when you last remember compiling the program -- if it is widely different this suggests you have selected the wrong file!</p>